Sunday, November 23, 2008

Brownie Cookies

While looking for something to bake today with minor effort, I came across these Brownie Cookies by SmittenKitchen. They were easy, fast, and because I own tiny little cookie cutters they were tiny.

I'm always bummed out when I'm surprised halfway through a recipe that says "refrigerate for one hour." SIGH. I'm not a patient baker. I let them sit for 40 minutes and they rolled out great. Not too sweet cookies either.

Also, today I put together a sourdough starter! We'll see how it goes. I'm letting it brew on top of the cable box since the kitchen tends to be so cold at night. I'm pretty excited! I don't think I've ever really made bread before.

Also - I'm looking for recipes for excellent but sturdy treats to send to people for xmas. Cookies, homemade sauces, etc. Stuff that's fun to make and give away - way more personal than a Starbucks gift box or something.

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